Multicast Tester

The Multicast Tester is a simple tool for users to test their IP Multicast connectivity. This instance of the tester is provided as a general purpose tester. It operates by listening for traffic from the NLANR Multicast Beacon project. The Java security model requires the applet to request permission before it can perform certain restricted actions. Testing your IP Multicast connectivity requires you to grant several privileges to the Applet. Click the button below to begin the test.

Notes for Netscape users:

Netscape will prompt you three times. You will need to click “Grant” on each dialog box.
You may opt to click the “Remember this decision” if you will be running the test more than once.

Notes for Internet Explorer users:

Internet Explorer will prompt you with a single Security Warning. You will need to click “Yes” at the dialog box.

You may opt to click “Always trust content from Multicast Technologies” if you will be running the test more than once.

Note to Macintosh users

There is a problem related to applet security that prevents Macintosh users from getting reliable results from this test. We are working on the problem.